Thursday, August 19, 2010

Creationism, Pt 4

In the last three posts, we have examined several different things.
Post One - (Foundation) The Biblical Account of Creation does not contradict known science.
Post Two - (Physics) The universe appears fine tuned to support life.
Post Three - (Reason) The ability to question seems to indicate some master reason.
Post Four - Elegant Summary

This leaves us with a high probability of an atemporal God (who existed before spacetime), who created the universe with the intention of supporting life and gave certain creations (us) the ability to reason. This will be the final post in the creationism series. In Creationism, Part 4 I will present one final proof that the universe was created by a supernatural intelligence before beginning a new series on who exactly that intelligence might be. So, stay tuned for The Search for Truth, Part 1.

In this post, I require you to accept only one axiom going in: Truth is always internally consistent. If you accept the fact that I true worldview cannot contradict itself, we can happily move on.

There are two competing views of morality in the world. The moral relativist and the moral absolutist. The moral relativist (logical positivist) rests his entire philosophy on one claim: "A statement is literally meaningful if and only if it is either analytic or empirically verifiable." That is: the meaning of something is not some transcendental concept, but something based only in experience. If you accepted my axiom, you are not a moral relativist. Why? Their basic claim is not empirically verifiable. Your experiences cannot tell you that your experiences are relative. If we accept the moral relativist's conclusion, we must exclude his premise. His worldview collapses under its own weight.

So, if absolute truths exist outside of experience, they are (by definition) transcendental. These truths exist independent of spacetime. Because they are not bound by spacetime, they cannot be the product of spacetime. If they are independent of spacetime, but still exist as a set framework, we have yet another (tiny, elegant) proof of some atemporal intellect which designed the absolute rules which govern our universe. Let's call this intellect God. Logically, creationism is the only viable belief system.

Thank you for coming through this series with me and be sure to check back for my next series, where we examine the character of this creator to see how we know the God of Christianity is the correct one (and be sure to click on the Facebook button above).

Credo ut intelligentum.